Independent Practice

Independent Practice

In order for you to be successful this year, you need to practice. Independent Practice is a way for you to "own" the material through practice. Remember that as you get closer to high school the more responsibility you will have to complete your work on time, produce quality work, and set your own path to success. Please use your assignment logs to help you monitor your progress and record completed assignments.

"You are the one who can stretch your own horizon" --Edgar Magnin

We will be using Google Classroom for our platform in math during DL. This means that your assignments will be turned in through Google Classroom. Please make sure you check your assignment log daily and turn in all your assignments through Google Classroom. See directions below for signing up on Google Classroom


Google Classroom Joining Google Classroom with the link

  1. Tap the class link your teacher shared.
  2. Make sure you're signed in with the correct account for Classroom. If you need to switch accounts, tap the Down arrow and select or add your account.
    Google Classroom
  3. Tap Join class.

Join with a class code

Your teacher can tell you the class code. After you get the code, follow these steps:

  1. Tap Classroom
  2. Make sure to sign in with the correct account. If you're already signed in and need to switch accounts, in the top-right corner, tap your profile pictureand thenselect or add your account.
  3. In the lower-right corner, tap Join class

    Tap Join class

  4. Enter the class code from your teacher and tap Join.
    Enter the class code
    Note: Class codes are 6-7 characters, and use letters and numbers. Codes can't have spaces or special symbols. If a code doesn't work, make sure you signed in with the correct account.