
Ruby HomeworkHomework

Complete all homework each week and turn spelling and reading homework in on Friday. Math homework as well as returned class work that needs completion or correction needs to be returned the following school day. Students with completed, correct, neatly written homework will have free play on
Friday as well as an opportunity to participate in an end-of-the-month special activity.

Weekly homework consists of four Reading Response Home Reading Logs (one per night Monday thru Thursday), spelling practice consisting of weekly word lists (words need to be written three times each, put into alphabetical order and each used in a seven or more word sentence. You may use up to two spelling words per sentence and the words need to be underlined). As stated above, math homework and unfinished class work will be part of weekly homework as well.

A practice spelling test will be given on Thursday. If your child scores 100% on that test, he/she will not need to retake the test on Friday and will get to participate in a fun activity in its place.