Citezenship Rubric

The Target is Excellent Citizenship



*frequently provides positive leadership

*actively takes part in and adds to class activities

*volunteers to help others

*practices a high level of self-discipline

*demonstrates high level accountability and responsibility

*assignments are always turned in on time and completed with integrity

*never talks out in class inappropriately

*keeps on task without monitoring

*consistently follows classroom standards




*occasionally provides positive leadership

*consistently takes part in class activities

*helps others

*maintains positive relationship with peers

*keeps on task

*works well in groups and independently

*works without disturbing others

*consistently turns in assignments on time and with high level of integrity

*developing responsibility in all areas

*follows classroom standards




*usually practices self-discipline

*participates in class activities

*helps others when/if asked

*does not talk out inappropriately

*keeps on task most of the time

*usually works independently without disruptions to others or to self

*emerging responsibility in all areas



Needs Improvement

*occasionally talks out inappropriately

*seldom participates in class activities

*occasionally distracts others

*often off task

*has difficulty following classroom standards

*monitoring required during independent work

*engages in negative peer behavior

*needs improvement on responsibility, integrity, and self-discipline

*integrity of work needs improvement

*does not always follow teacher redirection




*frequently talks out and needs teacher intervention

*rarely participates in class activities

*distracts others

*often makes disruptive remarks in class

*rarely on task

*lack of adherence to classroom standards

*initiates negative peer behavior

*lacks self-discipline

Focus on Excellence                         Dominate                                                      Perpetuate the Excellence