Common Core Aligned Report Cards
Report cards reflect a standards-based reporting system which allows for a more careful, precise and meaningful way of grading. Importantly, a standards based reporting system illustrates what students know and what they still need to learn better than the traditional A-F grading system. With a standards-based system, the focus is on knowledge---not on points. This is the transition we must make in order to meet the rigorous demands of the Common Core Standards and to better prepare our students for College and Career Readiness.
In line with the Common Core, the new report cards also differ from the previous version in that instead of letter grades, a scale of 1 to 4 is used.
4 = Exceeding Trimester Goals
3 = Meeting Trimester Goals
2 = Working Toward Trimester Goals
1 = Not Meeting Trimester Goals
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or the school principal for more information.