Mrs. Michelle Tomaszyk
Email: michelle.tomaszyk@santeesd.net
Class: 619 258-3421(rings in class)
**Communication is key for student success

What's Happening?
Students will be given the first day:
3 notebooks, incomplete work folder, pencil box, crayons, pencil, sharpie, glue, large eraser, highlighter, correcting marker, and scissors.
It will be extremely helpful if you send your child with books they enjoy reading, and their own water bottle. You may also send markers, colored pencils, pencils, and erasers, but please don't send anything that may become a toy or distraction in class. :) Headphones will also be provided, but students can bring their own headphones if they wish.
Weekly Reminders
Students are expected to be reading at home for at least 20 minutes.
School starts at 7:45 am and dismisses at 1:35 pm. Please make sure your child is at school on time.
Wear Words Wednesday - wear t-shirts/shirts with words
Spirit Friday - wear blue and gray or Carlton Hills gear