What can you do to help?

- Model the importance of education
- Check the homework calendar each night
- Ask "What is the best thing that happened at school today?" and really listen to the answer
- Have your child show you their completed work
- Talk to your child about what they are learning
- Ask questions - probe for details
- Give assistance, but don't do the work for them
- Emphasize hard work, respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness
- Read with your child and share a love for learning
- Ask them who they were kind to today at school
- Encourage them to be the "nice" kid and make each day a better place by their choices
- Look over the papers in the homework folder
- Talk or email Mrs. Bennett with questions, concerns, or compliments
- Get involved at school - PTA, School Site Council, Carnival, cutting/stapling/organizing at home, room parent, send donations for celebrations, etc.

We can always use gift cards for Amazon, Target, Walmart, Costco, Dollar Tree, and Barnes & Noble for classroom materials.
Personally, Mrs. Bennett loves Starbucks :)